STASTO Co-EntrepreneurModel


STASTO adopted a new method in business understanding and the development of business culture in 1993 with the implementation of the STASTO Co-EntrepreneurModel.

After a certain period of time, every employee is invited to not only participate in the success of the company but also to become a partner.

The flat hierarchy and base-orientated goals give STASTO employees and, for the most part, STASTO co-entrepreneurs plenty of scope for independent work - personal development is encouraged and skills are developed further.

The actions of STASTO co-entrepreneurs are convincing because their motivation comes from within. STASTO's exceptional performance is only possible thanks to the commitment of all employees. The future of the company is in good hands, because it is based on sustainable, success-orientated, entrepreneurial action. The STASTO co-entrepreneur model is an incentive for new ideas and approaches in order to meet challenges creatively.

„We want the best for you because it is also the best for us. As STASTO co-entrepreneurs, we share in the company's success.“

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